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Cindy Medof, Massage and Yoga Therapist

Cindy integrates massage and yoga therapy into care for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing
and guiding individuals to achieve optimal health and become the best versions of
themselves. You will rediscover your wholeness that has always been there.
Every body is unique and every session is customized to the client’s needs. She is certified
with a massage degree that includes advanced anatomy and physiology, pathology, advanced
Swedish and deep tissue, myofascial release, and prenatal massage.
In addition, she has undergone specialty training in Thai Yoga Massage, Oncology Massage
and Yoga Therapy Rx from Loyola Marymount University.
Massage and Yoga are complementary therapies for stress reduction, movement, performance,
and pain. Cindy is trained to work with you and your other health care providers to ensure a
safe and well planned session.
Cindy was born and raised in Hawaii and has been living in Los Angeles since 2004 with her
husband and two children. Upon meeting her, you will immediately feel her welcoming and
nurturing presence and the compassionate and caring person she is.

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